Top Ten Signs It’s All Strokeland 24-7 on Horn Driven Radio: By Al Carlos
10. Jack Mack is wearing his Harley Davidson pacemaker.
9. Dr. Funk stopped charging fans for physicals on the tour bus.
8. Funkiphino is not Backla (Lazy) or Duwag (Stupid)
7.Chad Rager is grooving hard, not hardly grooving.
6 .Ron E. Beck hits the mike on center stage rather than hitting the traps on the one.
5. Fat City horns go on a low carb, high colonic diet.
4. Sal Cracchiolo does some Spanish Fly music.
3. Roscoe Roger Smith spends the day doing 360’s on the good foot.
2. If you can’t find the stroke after listening all day, you never had it in the first place.
1. The Doctor is in.