10. Riding shotgun in webmaster Philly Brians El Dorado listening to an 8 tract.
9. Started a fist fight with Dallas fans in the parking lot at the Oakland Coliseum.
8. Visit your 44 year old East Bay kids and shot to the curb baby Mamas.
7. Realize that What is Hip may mean a replacement.
6. If you were 44 when the band started, someone is reading this to you.
5. Shaking Rick Stevens hand.
4. Remembering you went to High School with band members but forgot what High
3. While in the restroom it occurred to you that So Very Hard to go could mean something gastric.
2. Realize if they could be still on the road, I can stand the Funk up and boogelate your darn self.
1. Join in a Civil Suit against Warner Brothers, for not giving TOP their due.